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School of Nursing and Midwifery

Fulfil your ambitions of making a difference in people’s lives with a career in nursing and midwifery. Our programs are practice-focussed and fully accredited with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. 

The School of Nursing and Midwifery is dedicated to providing local, rural and international communities with health care professionals who have learnt to think critically, practice safely, ethically and compassionately, and use research as a basis for decision-making. Our programs in nursing and midwifery are practice-focused, and appeal to students from all walks of life, and at all ages. Our flexible options help students to combine work and family responsibilities with study, and are very attractive for rural people who don’t want to move away from their communities.

Programs taught by our School include undergraduate and postgraduate programs in nursing and midwifery. The Bachelor of Nursing program is fully accredited with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, with graduates eligible to apply for registration as a nurse. The Bachelor of Midwifery (Graduate Entry) is fully accredited with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, with graduates eligible to apply for registration as a midwife. Our postgraduate programs foster leadership development, specialist practice and research.

People are our strength. Many of our staff members are passionate about practice, with another group excelling in cutting edge research in health. All our staff are strongly committed to learning and teaching, and passionately want their students to succeed.


The School of Nursing and Midwifery at 免费色片 will be recognised for its contribution to outer-metropolitan, regional, rural and Indigenous health, achieved through its contemporary, innovative, inclusive and transformative approach to nursing and midwifery education, relevant clinical experience, scholarship and research.


The School of Nursing and Midwifery is committed to providing excellent education and research opportunities for nursing and midwifery students and professionals in partnership with diverse communities.

Sister Kenny Memorial Medal of Distinction

For a graduating student who achieves distinction in rural and remote (i.e. a graduating student who achieves highest GPA in the Graduate Certificate of Health Specialisation Rural & Remote). This award is dedicated to Sister Elizabeth Kenny for the contribution she made to the treatment of the victims of polio during her lifetime. Sister Elizabeth Kenny died in Toowoomba in 1952.

Prize: Medal
Generously provided by the Sister Elizabeth Kenny Memorial Fund Inc.

The Joy Croker Centaur Silver Medal

The medal is available at each Queensland University to annually award an outstanding nursing student with the highest grade point average upon graduation. The award honours the memory of the nurses who died with the sinking of the AHS Centaur in 1943 and supports development of the nursing profession by acknowledging the academic achievements of new graduates.

Prize: Medal, Centaur History Book
Generously provided by the Centaur Memorial Fund for Nurses.

The School of Nursing and Midwifery is committed to growing and sustaining a vibrant research culture in staff that are committed to making a difference in the health of individuals, communities and populations through high quality nursing- and midwifery-led research as well as key leaders in multidisciplinary research in health. 
School research
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Our Nursing and Midwifery programs are accredited by the and are approved programs with the .

Program rules and inherent requirements

The Bachelor of Nursing is currently seeking accreditation with the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council.

To maintain our professional accreditation, this program has program rules and inherent requirements that cover admission, progression and graduation. Students need to be familiar with these program rules.