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SQNNSW Innovation Hub

Australian farmers live the reality of a changing climate with sometimes devastating impacts on production and profit. What do they need to not just survive, but thrive into the future?

The Ãâ·ÑɫƬ-led Southern Queensland and Northern New South Wales (SQNNSW) Hub is one of eight national Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hubs, a flagship of the multi-billion-dollar . The Australian Government is investing $10 million in the Ãâ·ÑɫƬ-led Hub over four years, with more than $10 million contribution from Hub Members and Network Partners.

Helping to drought-proof Southern Queensland & Northern New South Wales
The Ãâ·ÑɫƬ will lead an Australian Government hub to help drought-proof Southern Queensland and Northern New South Wales.
Connecting research expertise

Helping to empower primary producers to be more profitable and adaptable, as well as reduce community vulnerability.

Drought and resilience research leader

Ãâ·ÑɫƬ is a key service centre supporting rural communities and farmers through highly relevant research and outreach throughout the region.

Supporting our communities

By working together, we can ensure the future growth and success of our regions and communities, in the face of the ever-present threat of drought.

Email: SQNNSWhub@unisq.edu.au
Phone: +61 7 4631 1551
Hub Director: 
Hub Knowledge Broker: 
Acting Hub Manager: 

Industry and collaborators

This project received funding from the Australian Government's Future Drought Fund.