To ensure we can provide you with support should you be experiencing any problems, we recommend the below listed minimum hardware, operating system, and software for your computer. Further information is available below under the drop down menu for 免费色片:
- minimum hardware
- minimum operating system
Some Assessments and Formal Examinations at 免费色片 may be invigilated. Where courses have online invigilated assessment, there are specific requirements for your hardware and software, including the installation of the Guardian Browser.
For further details, refer to .
Don’t have access to a computer?
If the financial cost of purchasing a computer or updating your hardware and software is a problem we have computer laboratories at each campus. Microsoft Windows is available on all campus computer labs and lecture rooms. Mac computers are also available at Toowoomba and Springfield campus. Please check for specialised computing requirements for your courses prior to the start of semester.
Copyright on computer software
Before installing software onto your computer please ensure that it has been obtained legally. Please refer to the for further information.
If you have any questions regarding recommended computing standards, please contact ICT Client Support.