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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student support

 The College for First Nations is committed to graduating Indigenous Leaders from 免费色片 - that means you, our future leaders. To support you to achieve this, the College offers a range of services that you can access.

All current Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students can access , a student support hub for on campus and online students.  

You can access resources and support services available across the university as well as personalised student and academic support from CFN. 

Chat with the College for First Nations team, specifically the First Nations Student Success Officers to receive immediate assistance with matters relating to your study. 

First Nations Student Success Officers

Monday – Friday: 8.00am - 4.00pm.

Why Cultural Connections?  
The First Nations Student Success Officers acknowledge the complexities of online study and have designed the Cultural Connections Program to provide an interactive experience for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students. The program will be an experience to connect with other Indigenous Students at 免费色片, meet with 免费色片 Staff and allow you to build knowledge in what services and support is available to you, as a current 免费色片 Student. Cultural Connections is also open to on campus students who will greatly benefit from the program. 
About Cultural Connections  

Connect with CFN, the FNSS Team, and other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students 
Meet peers and experience student life on campus  
Meet the support teams and learn about all of the support available at 免费色片 
Accommodation, meals and travel  
Accommodation, meals and travel will be provided for students who reside outside of Toowoomba to attend Cultural Connections. CFN will make all bookings on students’ behalves.  
Cultural Connections events
Cultural Connections is held at the beginning of each semester and coincides with Orientation Week. Students are notified of the event via the First Nations Student Success team. 
Testimonials from Students who have attended:

“I was amazed at the support that is available”

“I believe that coming to Cultural Connections will help me succeed in my study”

“Meeting key contacts face to face eliminates the shame I feel about asking for help”

“Was a life changing 2 days for me both academically and personally”

“Totally exceeded my expectations”

“Before Cultural Connections I was very anxious. Now I am excited”


The First Nations Student Success Officers support students to reach academic and career goals by fostering positive relationships and providing a culturally safe environment to study and connect within the College for First Nations.

We can help you access individual and personalised support from areas across the University including: 

  • enrolment and program selection
  • counselling
  • learning and academic support
  • tutoring
  • accommodation
  • scholarships
  • financial assistance
  • career opportunities.

Contact us via email at cfn.support@unisq.edu.au or 1800 005 137.

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Association is an established group made up of current students who meet regularly to raise issues, drive social engagements, fundraise for activities and provide support for each other.

To get involved email usqindigenoustudentassoc@gmail.com.

Students can access a student study space that includes access to computers from Monday to Friday.


免费色片 Ipswich - Q Block Level 1, Q112C

免费色片 Springfield - A Block Level 1, A101

免费色片 Toowoomba - T- Annex, TA114

Free study support is offered to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.

We will work with you to meet your individual study needs or the needs of students studying the same course or program.

Tutoring is offered face-to-face, online, via email or by phone.

Find out more about applying for support or becoming a tutor. 

First Nations Student Success Officer


07 4631 2133

1800 005 137


College for First Nations

The College for First Nations is dedicated to encouraging and assisting the further education of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. 

Find out more