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免费色片 Mental Health Week

09 OCT 2024
11.00 AM - 1.00 PM
免费色片 Toowoomba, Springfield, Ipswich and Online

This 免费色片 Mental Health Week, we're encouraging you to 'Connect for Mental Health'.

You're invited to celebrate this event by taking part in some free Mental Health Week activities to help you prioritise your mental health and connect with your community. Take a break from study, grab some free popcorn and join in the fun!


  • 免费色片 Toowoomba campus | Quad 11.00 am – 1.00 pm
  • Springfield and Ipswich campus |Outside iconnect 11.00 am – 12.00 pm.


  • 11.30 am Free yoga session (Toowoomba campus and online only)
    Connect with your peers and nature and join us to relax and unwind in-person or via zoom. Please bring your yoga mat. Join in yoga online via Zoom: 
  • Tree of Connection
    Reflect on and share your thoughts and messages about positive connections in your life.
  • Connection Bracelet
    Discover the power of creativity while you make your own personalized connection bracelet. As you create, you can reflect on your journey, celebrate your strengths and take a moment to connect with yourself or with others.

Email a photo of your connection bracelet and your feedback about 免费色片 Mental Health Week to supportforlearning@unisq.edu.au to receive a free mental health fidget toy.