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Cotutelle and Joint PhD programs

Be a part of 免费色片鈥檚 world-leading researchers that help create world-changing results. Our Cotutelle PhD program opens doors to international research candidates and supervisors, allowing for joint supervision and dual PhD awards.

免费色片's Cotutelle PhD program will enable you to conduct your research across two universities. Upon completing this program, you will receive a testamur from both 免费色片 and the other institution.

  • joint enrolment at 免费色片 and an overseas university
  • separate progress assessments 
  • a single thesis submitted simultaneously to both universities
  • separate examination
  • two testamurs
  • two graduation ceremonies.

Download our Cotutelle booklet (PDF 2MB) to find out more information.

All candidates must meet the entry requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy at 免费色片 and partner institution. 

Step 1: Identify your .

Step 2: Find and connect with a 免费色片 . Discuss your research topic with your supervisor and identify the best scholarship available for you and your project if you are not self-funding. You will also need to confirm a supervisor at the other institution.

Step 3: Once you have confirmed supervision at both institutions, please complete and submit the Notice of Intent to Complete a Cotutelle/Joint PhD Program (NOI) form (PDF 340KB)* to hdrinternational@unisq.edu.au

*You may also wish to refer to the Important Information Document for Cotutelle and Joint PhD Program Applicants and Supervisors (PDF 400KB)

Step 4: Complete and submit your admission application form

The following scholarship components or individual co funded scholarship components may be offered to eligible Cotutelle PhD program candidates:

  • funding for 免费色片 tuition fees for up to three years (for both online and on-campus programs) 
  • a living allowance while studying on-campus at 免费色片 

These scholarships will be granted based on each individual applicant’s case, the proposed partner university ranking, the candidate’s academic profile and proposed thesis quality.

Candidates are strongly encouraged to explore relevant external funding opportunities.  

Other external scholarship funding available to international and domestic students includes CSC-Joint Scholarship Funding Program (China), and .

  • access to new funding schemes
  • access to multiple library databases
  • degree with an international flavour:
  • exposure to different academic environments through joint enrolment and supervision
  • experience a diverse culture and environment and develop soft skills
  • benefit from the diversity of two unique programs
  • two PhD awards
  • greater opportunities for international collaboration during and beyond the PhD program.
A Cotutelle PhD program deepens and strengthens research collaborations and networks at an individual and institutional level. These collaborations provide an opportunity to increase joint publications, citation rates and rankings, enabling researchers and institutions to expand their networks nationally and internationally.

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Get in touch with us today about research with 免费色片.

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Download our NOI form.

Download now (PDF 340 KB)