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Medals and with Distinction

If you've recently completed the final semester of your academic program, and have received your Congratulations Graduand! email, you could also be eligible for a medal or with Distinction.

Your eligibility will be assessed in the weeks following receiving your Congratulations Graduand! email, and you will be notified by the Completions Office if you are eligible.

University Medals, the University's most prestigious award, are awarded to a small number of graduates whose academic performance in the graded courses of the program studied has been consistently of the highest order, and who have displayed high levels of independent and critical thought, and effective communication.

Faculty Medals are awarded to graduates whose academic performance in the graded courses of the program studied has been consistently of the highest order, and who have displayed high levels of independent and critical thought and effective communication.

- Criteria 3.1 - 3.4
- 4.4 Grade Point Average (GPA)

Where is your medal or with Distinction recorded on your official graduation documents?

 Recognition  Official Academic Transcript  Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS)  Testamur
 University Medal  No  Yes  No
 Faculty Medal  No  Yes  No
 with Distinction (undergraduate program)  Yes  Yes  Yes
 with Distinction (postgraduate program)  Yes  Yes  Yes