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Copyright and accessibility

The Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) allows institutions assisting those with a disability to copy and communicate works in order to provide these works in an appropriate format. For example, this may be where an audio/text to voice format does not exist for an e-book, or a braille copy of a text cannot be sourced for a vision impaired student in time for them to complete an assignment.  

The two exceptions which allow this are:

S113E Fair dealing for the purpose of access by a person with a disability  Under this provision, a person with a disability or a person acting on their behalf can copy and communicate copyright material in an accessible format, provided that the use is considered fair.  
S113F Use of copyright material by organisations assisting a person with a disability
This exception allows organisations to make accessible format copies and add features to them for the sole purpose of assisting a person with a disability if the material is not commercially available in the exact format required.

For information and assistance with the accessibility of copyright material please contact Student Equity

Copyright Services