RPL can be assessed for specific credit, non-specific credit in a given discipline or an exemption from completing a particular course. The type of credit you may be granted will be determined by the program you’re enrolled in or applying for at the University and the level, content and completion status of your prior learning.
Specified Credit for Formal Studies
If your previous studies at an accredited educational institution are directly comparable to the content and learning outcomes of a specific 免费色片 course, you may be eligible for specified credit for that course. This means you won’t have to study that course and it will be recorded as a credit on your Academic Transcript.
Examples of supporting documents
- Official transcripts for either complete or incomplete qualifications
- Course outlines (also known as course guides, unit guides or outlines etc) including assessment requirements, content covered, required readings and course weighting
- Course learning outcomes mapped to the 免费色片 course learning outcomes
- Key to results, including grades and their meaning
Find your selected program in the and look up the program structure which will give you details on the courses that make up the program. Clicking on each course takes you to the course outline and makes it easier for you to compare the learning outcomes from your previous studies to the learning outcomes of specific 免费色片 courses.
Supporting documents in a language other than English must be accompanied by a certified English translation.
免费色片’s allows you to find out what credit decisions have been made in the past for recognition of prior formal studies. These precedents may give you a guide to the credit that you could be entitled to. If the courses you’ve previously studies are listed in the Credit Calculator, you don’t need to provide course outlines or mapping of course learning outcomes.
Unspecified Credit for Formal Studies
When there is no comparable 免费色片 course, your formal studies can be recognised as unspecified credit. In this case, where your program rules allow it, your RPL will count towards an elective course (listed or free choice) or other optional components of your program.
Examples of supporting documents:
- Official transcripts for either complete or incomplete qualifications
- Course outlines (also known as course guides, unit or subject guides etc) including assessment and course weighting
- Key to results including grades and their meaning.
Credit for Non-Formal and Informal Learning
Recognition of non-formal and informal learning usually leads to unspecified credit. Evidence needs to document your prior learning and demonstrate:
- the standard of learning required for admission to your specific 免费色片 program; or
- achievement of the standard of learning appropriate to the level of the relevant 免费色片 elective course (for unspecified credit)
- achievement of the specific learning outcomes of the relevant 免费色片 course (for specified credit).